Friday, 17 April 2020

Lockdown woodshed project

The old woodshed was falling down and an ungainly crawl to grab logs in the depths of winter, SO....the lockdown seemed a good time to get to work building a new one with a dedicated compost loo on the side! 

Once everything was hauled out the new location and size was laid out in timber

Then the first part, a recycled door frame from another project was added


Some side struts then rat-proof mesh laid under the floor of the loo

Buying timber was impossible due to the lockdown so it had to be begged and borrowed and picked out of the fire pile

Suddenly the shapes were appearing that looked like a building

The back was recycled metal sheets coming from a local horsebox conversion

Our window had to receive extreme renovation and a lot of putty.

Then sunshine smiled and the plan was really coming together

We still have doors and loo seats to build but its looking remarkably like the prettiest woodshed ever! 

Monday, 6 April 2020


SO angry with myself right now, having planted a whole packet of my posh seeds in time with the new moon the mice have eaten every single one overnight, now I will have to wait a whole month before I can plant again!  Hungry mice in spring time can devastate a crop, even with the polytunnel open for the cat and catnip spread everywhere.